Monday, 30 November 2009

NEW FOCUS Sovereign Grace Conference 2010

God willing, Don Fortner is again hoping to pay a visit to the UK in 2010, but instead of preaching in multiple locations, it is hoped to have one combined conference at Eggleston Baptist Church, Egglesburn, near Barnard Castle in County Durham.

This means that we will have no Sovereign Grace Conference in Sidmouth, as we have done in past years, but we will be joining the brethren at Eggleston at the 'New Focus' conference.

The conference is expected to be held between Friday 9th April and Sunday 11th April, following a similar format to the previous 'New Focus' Magazine Conferences held in 2008 and 2009, but this time it is expected that there will be several preachers scheduled throughout the weekend.

Further details to follow - but in the meantime please add the dates to your diary!

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